The Spring time has finally arrived and that means only one thing. It’s time to clean, clean and clean some more!
We have compiled a tidy list of what you can and cannot throw into the trash to help you with your cleaning duties this year.
First on the agenda is electronics, such as TVs, computers and other larger items which should never be tossed into the trash or recycled. The point is these are classed as hazardous materials and are extremely detrimental on equipment to try and break down. A better alternative is to either recycle them or to donate them to electronic stores. This will benefit the environment and you can give yourself a nice pat on the back also.
The second item on the list is batteries. These are a little more tricky, but nothing to worry about. The list below states exactly what you can and cannot throw away.
Into the trash:
- AA
- C Volt
- D Volt
- 9 Volt
Recyclable Batteries:
- Rechargeable Batteries
The final item that is often thrown away without notice is paint. The main thing to remember is that if it is oil based, it shouldn’t be thrown away. A trip to a hazardous drop off point is needed and is generally free if it’s under a certain amount.
So, there we have it folks, spring cleaning is a great time to start helping both yourself and the environment at the same time. Just remember, there are always things you can do to help and here at DisposAll we appreciate each and every one of you who put forth the effort to do so.